
Royal Gifts: Frankincense, Myrrh and ...

When the three Wise Men made their way to the newborn king in Bethlehem, saga has it that they brought the gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold. However, Gary Young of Young Living Essential Oils discovered that they did not bring Gold, but the precious oil of Balsam. Balsam essential oil was thought more valuable than Gold in these days, and truly a gift only fit for kings.

Thinking of the symbolic that stands behind the gifts and foreshadowed the life of the newborn babe, it's easy to see that these precious gifts told of the sanctity of his mission (Frankincense), the hardship, bitterness and pain of the life of a Godman (Myrrh), and the victory of love over all else - BALSAM - loving care that comforts and heals a loving, broken heart that serves God.

Gold really does not fit in the picture. The life of the newborn would not be strewn with Gold. He preached a life of moderation and led an ascetic life. He never saw the fruits of his labor rewarded in riches, rather all that he had was taken from him in the end.

The scent of Balsam is so comforting, so reassuring, so loving, so kind - if you would take one nose full of it, you would never forget it. Secrets are embedded in Nature that beg to be discovered - for our benefit, to make life a richer, more enjoyable place to be in.

Resource: Maria Schasteen is editor of aroma-essence.com, Nature's Most Trusted Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils Store. Search the site for 'Balsam' to get all the information. You may distribute this post freely with resource and active links intact.

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