
Aroma-Essence "Christmas Spirit"

"Christmas Spirit" is a wonderful warm and soothing essential oil holiday scent that opens the heart to the joy, happiness and security associated with the holiday season. It captures the scent of the great outdoors and brings the winter forest right home. Spruce scent intermingels with orange and cinnamon bark scents and weave happy childhood memories of Christmas Spirit in the air.

Essential Oils go straight to the limbic system of the brain, the place where memories are stored. No wonder that the smell of therapeutic-grade essential oils like orange, fir or rose - or any other scent - evoke often long lost memories. Essential Oils bring suppressend feelings and unpleasant memories gently to the forefront, work them out and release them.

Especially in times of these, when family comes together and love is shared, there are those of us out there who are alone and seemingly forgotten. Their loved ones may have passed on and let them behind - brokenhearted. To heal such wounded heart, take the essential rose oil blend of Joy and heal your heart. It's not only possible. It's scientifically proven. Most of all, it works. It works better than antidepressants!

An Essential Oil Diffuser is a state-of-the-art system for delivering aromatic oil molecules into the air. To set the desired moods in your home, chose different oils to diffuse - lavender for a calming effect; peppermint to energize and to keep you focused; Thieves to combat winter blues and flu. Not only do diffused oils have an effect on emotions, they also offer a defense to your home during winter seasons.

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