Yoga Journal Sponsorship a Huge Success
By aligning ourselves with Yoga Journal, a highly respected and prestigious brand in the health and fitness industry, we are able to bring awareness of Young Living to thousands of people across the country.
Many of the conference attendees are already in tune with their bodies and understand how important it is to only use products that are natural and pure and it is becoming more and more popular to use aromatherapy during a yoga routine.
Young Living will be sponsoring Yoga Journal conferences later this year in New York and Estes Park, CO.
To get your Young Living Therapeutic-Grade aromatherapy products - click here!
Young Living's Mission: Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
It is Young Living's mission to provide the world with the highest quality, pure essential oils.
Young Living sought to find a term that would let customers know that its oils are pure and efficacious. The term "therapeutic grade" is used to differentiate Young Living's oils from those whose purity and effectiveness might be in question.
Young Living sends its oils to world-renowned, independent laboratories to determine that the oils are unadulterated and meet AFNOR standards where applicable.
The quantitative standards set by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) outline the principal constituents and specified range (the minimum and maximum percentage of those constituents) for certain essential oils. Young Living's essential oils meet the AFNOR/ISO guidelines on essential oils for which guidelines have been established.
But Young Living goes a step further!
All oils are further tested for quality and standards compliance upon arrival at Young Living. There is no organization at the present time that can certify that an oil is therapeutic grade. This is simply the high standard set by Young Living.
See Young Living Quality Control here!11/25/2008
Ganz ohne Stress auf die Festtage vorfreuen ...

Zerstäube Christmas Spirit - es ist mein Lieblings-Weihnachtsöl:
Kindheitserinnerungen werden wach, Düfte von Zimt, Tannenreisig, Orangen und Gewürznelken ... eine erhebende Duftnote, die das Herz warm stimmt und auf Stress ganz vergessen lässt.
Kein Diffuser? Kein Problem! Vor dem Ausgehen einen tiefen Zug aus dem Fläschchen Christmas Spirit nehmen, und hinaus geht's in die frische Winterluft. Wenn der Wind um die Nase weht, und die Leute mit grimmen Gesichtern und hektischen Schritten durch die Welt eilen, steht ein glückliches Lächeln auf Deinen Lippen. Düfte, so weihnachtlich - man glaubt man ist im Himmel - Und nur Du kannst sie riechen! (Christmas Spirit - solange der Vorrat reicht)
Weihnachtliche Stimmung statt Hektik und Stress!
Der Young Living Ultrasonic Diffuser macht es leicht, weihnachtliche Stimmung in Büro und zu Hause zu verbreiten. Vergiß nicht den Diffuser in ein Krankenzimmer mitzunehmen. Der Kranke wird sich über Weihnachtsdüfte sehr freuen. Wählen Sie Christmas Spirit, Balsamtanne, oder Orange um den Zauber der Weihnacht in die Stube zu bringen!
Einfach 1/4l Wasser in den Behälter des Ultrasonic Diffusers gießen, 5-15 Tropfen eines hoch wirksamen ätherischen Öls der Firma Young Living dazu geben, einschalten. Augenblicklich verbreitet sich ein wohliger Duft im ganzen Raum. Der Duft erfüllt die Sinne und erhebt das Herz!
Wir haben ein tolles Weihnachtsangebot für Sie!
Der Weihnachtsdiffuser, mit einem Fläschchen Christmas Spirit GRATIS dazu!
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass jeder der heuer einen Diffuser kauft, gleich drei (3) bestellt: Einen für sich selbst, und zwei als Weihnachtsgeschenke.
Der Weihnachtsdiffuser ist wirklich DAS ideale Weihnachtsgeschenk für jedermann:
- Für die Kinder um den wunderschönen Weihnachtstraum im Kinderherzen durch Düfte zu verankern, die sie durchs ganze Leben begleiten werden.
- Für die Hausfrau die es liebt, Ihre Wohnung rein und frei von unliebsamen Mitbewohnern (Viren, Milben, Schimmelpilzen) zu haben.
- Für den Herrn des Hauses, der technische Dinge liebt - der Ultrasonic Diffuser sieht wie eine kleinen Raumstation aus.
- Für den Heilpraktiker, der seine Praxis mit wohltuenden Düften zu einer Oase des Heilens verwandelt.
- Für den Unternehmer, der durch angenehme, erhebende Düfte seine Kunden zum Einkaufen einlädt, wie etwa im Geschäft, beim Weihnachtsbazaar, oder beim Fundraiser Event.
Der Weihnachtsdiffuser!
Essential Oils
Young Living's line of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and unique essential oil blends are sourced from the world's finest plants. Our oils are not diluted with chemical and synthetic additives and are carefully prepared to maintain plant integrity.
This commitment to purity makes Young Living essential oils the world's highest-quality essential oil line.

Visit the Young Living website here!
Christmas Gifts - Wellness - The gift that keeps on giving!

Santa won't be disappointed to try the new NingXia Red Holiday Collection this season. With the NingXia wolfberry's unparalleled source of antioxidants and nutrients, it's the best way to fortify and replenish your health during the holidays.
And when you combine the naturally delicious, long lasting energy of NingXia Red with the protein-packed nutrition of Wolfberry Crisp Bars, you have the perfect way to give Santa - or anyone else on your list - a little something extra this Christmas.
This collection contains one liter of Ningxia Red®, a limited edition gift box, and one package of Wolfberry Crisp™ Bars.
Enjoy! Available at your personal Young Living consultant Maria Schasteen.
New Diffusers Create an Inviting Holiday Atmosphere
With the recent additions to our diffuser line, you now have even more ways to create a peaceful atmosphere, relieve tension, and eliminate odors.
Our new Ultrasonic Diffuser and Travel Fan Diffuser join the classic Essential Oil Diffuser to offer you even more choices for diffusing Young Living essential oils.
Introduce friends and family to the benefits of essential oils and create the ideal holiday setting. Plus, each diffuser comes with a 5 ml Christmas Spirit™ essential oil blend and a 5 ml orange essential oil—free!
The Ultrasonic Diffuser is an essential oil atomizer that can diffuse any essential oil from lavender to sandalwood. Using an optimal frequency, Young Living's Ultrasonic Diffuser atomizes cold water and essential oils, breaking up molecules into microscopic mist. This new model also offers a deeper well, enabling longer, more continuous diffusing with less frequent refilling.
Item No. 4456 - 5 ml oils
The Travel Fan Diffuser is capable of diffusing any essential oil. It uses a quiet but powerful mini fan and all-natural high-density essential oil pads, and is capable of filling a room as large as 1,000 square feet.
Item No. 4457 - 5 ml oils
The Essential Oil Diffuser disperses essential oils without heating them so they retain their therapeutic benefits. With Young Living's complete diffuser, oils are dispersed in a microfine vapor, allowing them to remain suspended in the air for extended periods of time. The Essential Oil Diffuser is available in bronze, silver, green, and limited-edition red versions.
Bronze Item No. 3660
Silver Item No. 3661
Green Item No. 3662
Limited-Edition Red Item No. 3663
Scents of the Season

Diffuse these charming oils to create a peaceful, inviting atmosphere in your home and invoke thoughts of family, friends, and holiday memories.
No matter which oil you choose, this collection makes creating the perfect holiday environment easier than ever—all at a $20 savings!
The Holiday Oil Collection contains one 5ml bottle each of Christmas Spirit™, Joy™, cassia, frankincense, myrrh, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, and pine.
Item No. 4801 5 ml oilsHoliday Oil Collection